Clinical Services
Subsequent to a referral into our clinic, we begin with a thorough individual assessment. This entails a consultation as an evaluation to assist in determining what may be contributing to the individual’s problematic condition. A treatment plan is then outlined to meet the unique individual’s needs.
The most common treatment methods we offer involve group and individual cognitive-behavioural therapy, and psychopharmacology or medication treatments.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy helps people learn to think, feel, and behave in a way that will reduce the symptoms contributing to their overwhelming anxiety.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy facilitates one to identify, challenge and modify inaccurate beliefs (cognitive distortions) and this helps the patient to separate realistic from unrealistic fears or thought patterns.
Self-monitoring assessment tools are used to monitor daily activities. Self-monitoring is a tool which can help you track your progress and see how well you are doing, helping you maintain results, or figure out what you can change to get back on track.
Group therapy cognitive behavioural therapy meetings are structured to be 16 week programs which involve problem solving, group interaction, and weekly homework.
Medications are frequently used and are helpful in reducing the symptoms of anxiety. We provide medication evaluation and ongoing follow up.
As well, the S.T.A.R.T. Clinic for Mood & Anxiety Disorders participates in many ongoing research projects. This research helps us to continually improve our understanding and knowledge of the various mood and anxiety disorders and improve treatments for those suffering from mental health concerns.